Monday, October 3, 2011


So, just to go ahead and get it out there today is working day 4 of 7.  I worked this past weekend, and it really wasn't bad so I have no complaints.  I was REALLY hoping that today I would NOT get called in, but that didn't last long as I was told yesterday to go ahead and come in and then this morning when I woke up I realized that the acting night supervisor had sent out the "call for help" email... aka the "if you can work overtime on dayshift PLEASE call" email, so I know I'm here for the day.  I was nice enough to help out a coworker and picked up overtime for tomorrow so that she could go on vacation... Now I'm wishing I hadn't done that, but it's too late now.  Not to mention I could use the extra cash what with a roadtrip to Florida at the end of the month and then Christmas "around the corner" after that.

October is a messed up work month for me anyway.  I am working these 7 days, then have a day off, working 1, on call, working 2, off 3, working 3, off 1, working 3, off 1, working 3, off 1, work 1 (trying to get these last two switched so it would be working 4), and then off the Florida. In October I have counted that the only Saturday I will have NOT working will be the one where I'm out of town, and I will have two Friday's not working, and no Sundays not working besides when I'm in Florida.  It's a crazy schedule, I did warn you about that.  When I come back I'll have a 5K to run, then work 3, off 1, work 3, and then back to a relatively normal November schedule (but at that point it's halfway through the month).  Oh man... it's going to be hectic, and those days off are tentative as I might try to pick up overtime.  There will be more overtime available as one of my coworkers has had her baby (or is so close to having the baby you can just say she's had the baby).  So I'll probably fill in a few of those multiple "off" days with overtime if I can--it's hard to come by, have to take it while it's available.

I've already told my parents that I'm going to be working on Thanksgiving (I've already told the supervisors that I want to be first in line for overtime on Thanksgiving), and Christmas (my squad is working Christmas again this year) so they're prepared for that.   I am also doing my best to spend time with my boy whenever I can.  I love spending days with him, and for the next month or so that is going to be hard to do but I'm going to make it work.

Ok enough about work stuff for now.  I have talked too much about it already, and have probably bored what few readers I do have to the point where if you've made it this far in the blog you are a TROOPER! 

I want to do a fall cleaning of my apartment.  I have WAY too much clutter and I need to fix that.  What I would LOVE is a full 3 day weekend, but as you read before I don't have one of those for quite a while.  So, I'm going to try to do a little here, and a little there, and just work on decluttering my shit.  This is when I wish I had a yard in a good neighborhood so I could just have a yard sale. But, instead, I think I will either donate goods to GoodWill or I will see what I can get for some things at a consignment type shop (I don't think I'll get much if anything, but something is better than nothing--sometimes).

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