Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year everyone!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy night last night.  I am hangover free today, and that is fabulous!  I am spending the weekend with my Ring Twin and we had a small thing last night.  Not a lot of drinks, but tons of laughs and good times.

I am trying to decide what I want my resolutions to be this year.  I want them to be reasonable and not something that I will fail at.  I have already decided that one of them will be that there will be at least one vegetarian day a week for me.  To me that means that eggs, cheese and other dairy products are alright, but for one day a week there will be no meat consumption.  I am quite excited about it really.  This will give me more incentive and drive to incorporate more legumes and beans, different grains and such things into my diet.  I am also going to give up smoking.  I would like to also get into a regular routine of exercise.  Nothing outrageous, but I am going to say that a goal for this year will be working out at least 3 days a week.  In those workouts I am going to try to build up my running ability to do at least one, if not two, 5k's this year.

So, as of right now, these are my resolutions:
~ One vegetarian day a week
~ Stop smoking
~ Build up the amount that I work out... Goal is AT LEAST 3 days a week, more than that will be a bonus.
~ At the MOST one day of ordering dinner or a meal from somewhere... Meaning cooking at home and being better prepared with lunches and what not for work

I think that is a good list to start off with.  Healthier living in general is the plan for this year.   George has told me that he is on board with the vegetarian day and I know he will support me with the exercise goal.  This is going to be a great year.

I know that this is going to be a good year over all.  I know that there will be ups and downs.  You can't have a life without ups and downs, and I have good friends, family, and loved ones that will support me in whatever endeavors I choose to do.  I plan on taking a few risks, having adventures, and starting new chapters in my book of life.  I WILL make this a good year and one with many things to remember.

Speaking of things to remember, here is a list of things that will help me do that:
~ Do better at keeping up with this blog
~ Take more pictures
~ Note music that speaks to me, that touches me on a deeper level than just liking the way the beat/music sounds
~ Drink wine

I would like to start on writing a book.  I have a few ideas, and I believe I am a competent enough writer to do something, I just have to follow through and keep working on it.  I have plenty of plans in my head, but I have yet to follow through and bring those plans to fruition.

This is going to be a good year.

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