So today has been a very SHIT day. Both literally and figuratively. I am going to tell you all about my poo this morning. If you don't want to read about it, skip to the next paragraph. So this morning I'm NOT wanting to drink protein. I'm sippin on my water, just chillin', when I feel the urge to poo... Now this is the first time that this urge has reared it's little head in about a week (since the dreadful Magnisium Citrate day last week to prep for surgery). I think to myself, "Hmmm... Maybe I should go poo." One would think that that is the logical course of action for one to take when you feel the urge to poo. So, I take my happy little self to the throne room, sit down on the pot, and proceed to... poo. Well, no actually that is not how things went, that would have been the easy route. Instead, my body decided to trap the poo. That's right ladies and gentlemen it was a horrible feeling of NOT being able to poo when you OBVIOUSLY know that you have to! So, I sat there and pushed and pushed and pushed for about 10 minutes. Finally, shit moved! LITERALLY. It was good.
The rest of the day was hell after that as well. Today was the day that the gas that the surgeons used to pump up my stomach to make sure that there weren't any leaks decided to make it's appearance... Oh, how nice. All. Damn. Day. My left shoulder has been hurting. A sharp stabbing pain, that nothing will touch. The pain meds, the pain patch... Nothing worked. Joy.
I've been suffering all day with intense, like, WHOA, intense shoulder pain, the regret and some of the depression that the surgeons said that I could experience. Today has just been a wonderful day. (Sarcasm really doesn't transfer through text.)
Off to read some more Laurell K. Hamilton. Let's hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
Hang in there baby. Recovery is hard, but there is green grass on the other side. Remember we love you!! <3