Alright folks... I have 14 days until I am actually setting foot into the GORGEOUS city of Prague. I cannot wait. Only sad thing about heading to the CR (for those that don't know--CR mean Czech Republic) is that half of my friends won't be in the country when I am there (well I'll be in the country for less than 24hrs before they leave). That's the only sad part about it. I will live, but I know it will probably be years before I see them again. That REALLY sucks.
ANYWAYS!... hehehehe... I'm SO excited. I have NO IDEA which cities I want to go visit, or if I want to spend more time in Greece than Italy, but then again I don't want to spend more time in one country than in the other because then what if country two is equally or more awesome than country number one. Ahhh... lol. It's difficult planning trips when you're the only traveling. You think it would be easier to plan trips when you're the only one, but when there are more people going then it's easier to make a majority decision. But, when you're traveling by yourself it's easier to ignore the voices in your head. lol
So far (and any input would be cool if anyone in the cyber universe would like to add anything) I'm thinking... I'm going to spend about a week or a week and a half in the CR visiting friends and family and "old, familiar places" and then I'll fly from Prague to Venice. Spend a few days in Venice, then train to Rome. Spend a few days in Rome. I can't decide if I want to train to the east coast of Italy, and ferry over to Greece, or if I want to fly from Rome to Athens. I would see more via the train/ferry/train route, but time (and money) would be saved by flying from Rome to Athens. Spend a few days in Athens. Check out Santorini or any of the other islands around there for a few days. Fly from Athens back to Prague. Then on July 21st I'll fly back to Raleigh/Durham and have to head back to reality.
I have no qualms with traveling by myself, but at the same time traveling is always more fun with at least one other person. I'm going to use to save some money on places to stay (free space on someone's couch as opposed to 20 Euros at a hostel... OK)! lol... I'm SO excited. There are so many things that I would love to do and so many places that I would love to go, but NOT ENOUGH TIME! I'm sure other travellers know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
The count down has begun... 14 days. No idea where I'm going to go or for how long. No idea what I should take. lol. GREAT job at planning things, Sarah! lol
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